Friday, August 22, 2008

An Update

Okay. I forget to add things to this site. I'll do better, starting today. I'll set up a reminder on my phone or something.

Well, here's what's up. I've applied to nursing school in Magnolia. I'll live in my parents' house in Taylor while I go to school and try to keep working at Kids First in Magnolia while I go to school. I'm starting A&P I on Monday at the local community college, so that's one more class I won't have to take when I get down there. I'm pretty excited about it. A girl I work with had her books from last semester, so I'm hoping I can use them for my class. They started using a new edition this semester, but I don't feel like paying $200 for all new stuff. I'll ask the teacher if I can use the old ones when class starts on Tuesday night.

I've been watching A LOT of the Olympics. I TiVo it and then watch it the next day becuase I can't stay up as late as NBC thinks I can. I can also fast forward through any sports I'm not interested in, but that's a short list. I'm watching hurdles right now.

Thanks for the note, Dee!

I'll go set a reminder right now. More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you are alive. Good luck with nursing school! Have you already relocated?