Monday, November 5, 2007

Birthday Presents and Drawings

Here is a picture of Roxie in her birthday present. She always has the crazy eyes when I take a photo. And, I've been drawing pictures lately, so I thought I would post them. Here are a few.


Ashley S. said...

She looks so proper and British.

I like the jelly bean one. And all of the others. But especially the jelly bean one.

Anna Maria Pellizzari said...

I love the first drawing especially! Funny, I busted out the chalks & paper just last week; I'd had them in a drawer for years and had never touched them... You've inspired me to do more now!

And "Roxie" is also one of the names I'm considering for my future dog! :) Good taste!

Ashley S said...

How did Amp end up on your blog? Kinda random it seems.

Ashley S. said...

Yeah I'm not so thrilled about She Who Shall Not Be Named Jr's appearance in that picture, but other than her and Psycho Child up front, it's a great picture.