Friday, November 2, 2007

New News!

A. Roxie turned two this Halloween! Let's look at how the little gal has grown, eh?

Roxie in May 2006 after her "time on the street."

Halloween 2006. Roxie's first birthday.

A few weeks ago while preparing for the Razorback game. Spoiler Alert: We Lost.

And unrelatedly, I found Elvis at a craft show in northwest Arkansas.

B. I got that job. Should start in mid-November.

C. I got hit on by a one-armed man with "the crazy eyes" on Halloween.


Ashley S. said...

A. She does look bigger
B. I didn't realize that your captions were under your pictures so I was confused as to how some old man had to do with getting ready for the Razorback game.
C. Any readers probably think I'm an idiot based on point B and the post above this.
D. Why on earth are you wearing our crappy old school district's t-shirt. Boo!

Ashley S. said...

E. You forgot to include this year's picture from Hallowirthday.