Thursday, January 24, 2008


Take this test!

Your intellect puts you in a class above the rest, and it creates a sexual aura that's untouchable by people who possess nothing more than a pretty face. You have people and intellectual smarts and are able to juggle them accordingly. Your sense of the world at large and your world around you draws people to your mind, and what a beautiful mind it is.

Whether you look the part in horn-rimmed glasses and a finely pressed suit or dress simply in a T-shirt and jeans, your style really takes off when you flaunt your intellectual prowess. You're probably happier volunteering for a good cause, like tutoring kids, than spending all night partying with friends — well, at least some of the time. You've read the classics, or at least know what they are, and get the greatest rush when you can fully connect with people — both mind and body. While you may have the looks as well, it's your brains that turn up the heat wherever you go.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

I put on makeup today. I don't wear makeup very often, so that is why I am mentioning it on here. The reason I put on makeup is because I went to a new church today! After six months in my new town, I have finally made the leap. And, I liked it. It reminded me of the church I grew up in. I also have another one I want to try, but I think my plan is to go to the first one for several weeks in a row, and then try the other one for a few weeks.

In other news, I got some vomit on me the other day at work. Luckily, the kid didn't actually throw up on me, but I was the one who could handle cleaning it up and got my leg in it. I slept 19 hours Friday night through Saturday afternoon. That's really a long time, even for me. I'm pretty sure I caught something from the kids because on Friday two of my kids slept almost all day. They got up to go outside and eat, but anytime we were indoors, those two were laying wherever they landed. I'm feeling better, so hopefully they are too.

The Cuz Mate bought a black light to show where dog urine is in our house. It's gross. Her dog has peed all up and down the hall we keep them in while we are at work. I'm wondering when she's going to clean it. Hopefully, she will tonight. I've got Roxie's mess upstairs, but it's not even close to the disgusting-ness of that hallway.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Short Stories

I don't like short stories. I never have. Even before I understood what a short story is (was?), I didn't like them. Those stupid short stories we had to read in elementary school were awful. That's one reason I don't want to teach older kids. I don't want to force anyone to read short stories. SInce circa 1987, I have preferred "the novel." I realized the greatness of the novel from a gal named Carolyn Keene. I actually remembered her name! I looked it up to verify, but I even got the spelling right.

Back to the point, Carolyn Keene is the author of the original Nancy Drew series. I learned that I like chapters, and I really like chapters with titles so I can guess what is coming in the story. Ah, foreshadowing. Anyhoo, I am currently reading a collection of short stories (the title is in my sidebar with the rest of my recent readings) and I hate it. I like the author. I like the genre. I even like the characters, but I HATE the book.

Why do I detest short stories so much? Basically, I don't like being drawn in to a story, learn characters, and become interested in their lives just to be dumped a few pages later. I need more. I need MORE. I will finish this book, with a sneer on my face, because my other problem is that once I start a book, I will punish myself to finish it. Recent example, Lost by Gregory Maguire. Gosh, it was awful. But I finished it. Don't read it. Awful.

End rant.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How to Fill Up Space on Your Blog

My legs hurt real bad. I don't know why, but it might have something to do with all the ironing I did tonight. They started hurting right after that. And multiple stair climbs were involved. Oh, and kids crawl up on me all day. That's probably part of it. Anyhoo, I've spent most of the evening working on the spare bedroom. See, I moved in July, and around early October, I needed something warm to wear, but it was still bagged up from the move, and I was in a hurry, so I dumped the bag out and looked for what I needed. Then, I dumped another bag because it wasn't in the first bag. In November, my mom visited and demoralized me for not picking it up. I haven't really had a spot to put it until now, and it was the spare room so it wasn't that important to me. In December, my parents brought a shelf I had at the old house. Now, in January, I have folded all that stuff and put it on the shelf or hung it up.

If given enough time, I can accomplish small tasks. So shove it, Mama.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


I've been told twice, by both people who read this, that I'm a blog-abandoner. It's true. I haven't written anything in a month and a half. I'm not great at remembering to do it. Good news, though. I only have one job now and my internet is currently operational, so maybe, just maybe, it could be a while before I abandon again. I would write more, but I'm reading a great book called High Noon and I want to read more. I should go fold down all the sweaters that are scattered on the floor of Spare Room, but I'm not doing that either. Don't feel bad Dee and Ashley and possibly Katie. You know I give up all things for reading. I'll be back. Probably soon.