Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How to Fill Up Space on Your Blog

My legs hurt real bad. I don't know why, but it might have something to do with all the ironing I did tonight. They started hurting right after that. And multiple stair climbs were involved. Oh, and kids crawl up on me all day. That's probably part of it. Anyhoo, I've spent most of the evening working on the spare bedroom. See, I moved in July, and around early October, I needed something warm to wear, but it was still bagged up from the move, and I was in a hurry, so I dumped the bag out and looked for what I needed. Then, I dumped another bag because it wasn't in the first bag. In November, my mom visited and demoralized me for not picking it up. I haven't really had a spot to put it until now, and it was the spare room so it wasn't that important to me. In December, my parents brought a shelf I had at the old house. Now, in January, I have folded all that stuff and put it on the shelf or hung it up.

If given enough time, I can accomplish small tasks. So shove it, Mama.

1 comment:

Ashley S. said...

I was exhausted Sunday after 2 1/2 hours of ironing. That's how long it took me to do those 13 shirts. But I watched the Season 1 finale and Season 2 premiere of LOST. And Jon watched the whole season three in 4 days earlier this week. Pretty impressive.