Monday, January 14, 2008

Short Stories

I don't like short stories. I never have. Even before I understood what a short story is (was?), I didn't like them. Those stupid short stories we had to read in elementary school were awful. That's one reason I don't want to teach older kids. I don't want to force anyone to read short stories. SInce circa 1987, I have preferred "the novel." I realized the greatness of the novel from a gal named Carolyn Keene. I actually remembered her name! I looked it up to verify, but I even got the spelling right.

Back to the point, Carolyn Keene is the author of the original Nancy Drew series. I learned that I like chapters, and I really like chapters with titles so I can guess what is coming in the story. Ah, foreshadowing. Anyhoo, I am currently reading a collection of short stories (the title is in my sidebar with the rest of my recent readings) and I hate it. I like the author. I like the genre. I even like the characters, but I HATE the book.

Why do I detest short stories so much? Basically, I don't like being drawn in to a story, learn characters, and become interested in their lives just to be dumped a few pages later. I need more. I need MORE. I will finish this book, with a sneer on my face, because my other problem is that once I start a book, I will punish myself to finish it. Recent example, Lost by Gregory Maguire. Gosh, it was awful. But I finished it. Don't read it. Awful.

End rant.

1 comment:

Ashley S. said...

Good luck with that short story business!
I like Edgar Allen Poe stories.
I like the new meez.
I don't know what you mean "I can't get the first off."