Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

I put on makeup today. I don't wear makeup very often, so that is why I am mentioning it on here. The reason I put on makeup is because I went to a new church today! After six months in my new town, I have finally made the leap. And, I liked it. It reminded me of the church I grew up in. I also have another one I want to try, but I think my plan is to go to the first one for several weeks in a row, and then try the other one for a few weeks.

In other news, I got some vomit on me the other day at work. Luckily, the kid didn't actually throw up on me, but I was the one who could handle cleaning it up and got my leg in it. I slept 19 hours Friday night through Saturday afternoon. That's really a long time, even for me. I'm pretty sure I caught something from the kids because on Friday two of my kids slept almost all day. They got up to go outside and eat, but anytime we were indoors, those two were laying wherever they landed. I'm feeling better, so hopefully they are too.

The Cuz Mate bought a black light to show where dog urine is in our house. It's gross. Her dog has peed all up and down the hall we keep them in while we are at work. I'm wondering when she's going to clean it. Hopefully, she will tonight. I've got Roxie's mess upstairs, but it's not even close to the disgusting-ness of that hallway.

1 comment:

Ashley S. said...

I like the term Cuz Mate. Maybe I'll start using the term Husb Mate. I like being right, but I'm not all sure I know about what. About Nicholas?