Friday, August 22, 2008

An Update

Okay. I forget to add things to this site. I'll do better, starting today. I'll set up a reminder on my phone or something.

Well, here's what's up. I've applied to nursing school in Magnolia. I'll live in my parents' house in Taylor while I go to school and try to keep working at Kids First in Magnolia while I go to school. I'm starting A&P I on Monday at the local community college, so that's one more class I won't have to take when I get down there. I'm pretty excited about it. A girl I work with had her books from last semester, so I'm hoping I can use them for my class. They started using a new edition this semester, but I don't feel like paying $200 for all new stuff. I'll ask the teacher if I can use the old ones when class starts on Tuesday night.

I've been watching A LOT of the Olympics. I TiVo it and then watch it the next day becuase I can't stay up as late as NBC thinks I can. I can also fast forward through any sports I'm not interested in, but that's a short list. I'm watching hurdles right now.

Thanks for the note, Dee!

I'll go set a reminder right now. More later.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Maybe I'll Write Once a Month

Dude, I know I said I was going to blog about some stuff, and that I said that a month ago, but I'm freaking tired! Taking care of kids is exhausting. I am always really tired when I get home, and I never feel like typing stuff up. I should just take my computer out to the backyard with me and then I might do something. I just really like laying around for a while when I get home, though.

Roxie finished her obedience classes. As we were leaving, one of the other "parents" said she had the best "by me" in the class. "By me" is a thing I say to get her to come and stand on my left side to let her know I want her to pay attention. That was pretty exciting. She is also laying down regularly now, and that was a 4 week episode. Most of the other dogs got it on the first night.

I am dog-sitting for my roommate who is out of town. Her dog pees a lot. In the kitchen, sometimes on my awesome table and chairs. If his urine messes up my stuff I will not be happy. He also pees on brown chair, a chair that has been mine since I was 2, about 5 times a week. I get upset with him when he does this. And he doesn't just do it because she is gone, he does it all the time. I have never been so close to hating a dog in my life.

And he tries to sleep on my face. Gross.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Been a While, Eh?

I don't know how long it's been since I wrote a post, but I have all sorts of things to write about. The problem is that I am very sick right now, and have been since last Friday. I can't talk on the phone or walk down the stairs without being winded, so you can imagine how tired I am after a day with the kids. We have graduation tomorrow night, but I am hoping to get rested and well this weekend. Then I will post about the perfect c, my new future, recent realizations, and Roxie's awesomeness in obedience class. I will tell you that people clapped for her last night.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

JG in a Little Car

I'm pretty sure I saw Jorge Garcia in Fayetteville today. He was driving a compact car. It probably wasn't him since I'm pretty sure he's in Hawaii right now, but this guy looked EXACTLY like him. He drove past me at a red light, so I didn't get to take a picture. That's the only interesting thing that happened today. THE END.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bring it

Based on my wounds from work, I thought I should take this test.


Saturday, April 5, 2008

I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but my students are protected by HIPAA so that is why I never talk about my job. I don't want to say anything I'm not allowed to talk about it. I DO need to add a couple more hits on my list of injuries.

1 Three Stooges style bonk to to the top of my head, served cold so I wouldn't be expecting it
1 punch to the jaw - didn't hurt too bad but hurt this morning when I washed my face
1 punch to the ear - directly after the punch to the jaw and that hurt really bad. REALLY. Don't get punched in the ear.

Also, a story.

This morning, after spending one and a half hours helping the CuzMate clean her room (we are still not close to anything that could be called "clean"), I went with Shannon, my other cousin, to her son's baseball game. I took Roxie because it was a nice day and we both needed to get a little vitamin D via the sun.
Roxie is not a violent dog. She doesn't bite people, but she is very interested and often sniffs people as they walk by. Sometimes kids are skittish and take a wide berth, but she's not going to snap them. She's never done a thing to hurt a child.
Anyway, after about 100 people pass by and about 20 kids have spent time petting her, a man comes around the corner. If I had seen him coming, I would have held the leash just because he looked mean. I didn't see him coming. Roxie runs out to give him a sniff, and he kicks her! She then growls and lunges at him, but I pull her back before anything else happens.

Man: Who's dog is that"
Me: She's mine. I'm sorry! (I am apologizing for him kicking my dog, I guess.)
Man: Well, you're luck I didn't kick her G** D*** head off.
Me: Wow. Okay
Other people in vicinity: That kind of language isn't necessary. There are children around.
Man: I don't give a S***. D*** dog shouldn't be here. Blah, blah, blah.
Other people who are now enraged: You are out of order. There is no need to talk like that, especially with children around. And that dog weighs about 10 pounds, big man.
Man: [more cuss words]

Then a mom I know leaves to go tell the manager of the ball field about what is going on. Man sits behind us spitting in a cup.
About 20 minutes later, I noticed Roxie is bleeding from her back leg. Just a scratch, but that got me madder then a wet hen.

P.S. This man weighed about 250 and was wearing overalls and rubber boots.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Injury Tally

So, let's talk about workplace injuries. I am a teacher. This is not a profession that people think of as "dangerous." My dad is an electrician at a paper mill. That's a dangerous job. Two days ago his face got burned by steam that exploded out of a pipe.

As a teacher, I have had multiple injuries. I realize that teachers are not supposed to get hurt all that often, but I'm clumsy and have had some very dangerous students.

Since I started student teaching in 2004, I have had:

1. a dislocated shoulder
2. a pencil stab to my cheek
3. a choking
4. a death threat with easy to follow instructions
5. a broken nose
6. several head traumas
7. one bite with many more bite attempts
8. a giant scratch on my neck (current)
9. toy hammer thrown at my chest hard enough to make it sore for the past three days

Therefore, teaching is dangerous. Frankly, I would prefer my children go into law enforcement than teaching.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Letter

Dear Mikey,

Here’s the thing. I know you aren’t good enough for me. I also know that to speak to you would be like opening a can that I finally successfully closed a while back. But, you keep popping up in memory. Please, go away. I don’t want to think of what went wrong. I don’t want to think that I made some sort of mistake. My rational mind knows that I’m better off, but I’m also getting tired of being alone, again. I spent five years alone before I met you, and I’ve slipped right back into that. I realize I’m only 26 years old, but I’m ready to be a real grown up. I’m kind of like Rachel in that episode of Friends when she’s dating that young guy and realizes that she doesn’t have enough time to do what she wants with her life.
Therefore, I start thinking of you. I know I shouldn’t. “Wrong road”, I tell myself. “Bad road.” Filled with potholes filled with poo. I’m tired of feeling lonely. I’m tired of feeling like my life is like a TiVo on pause. I don’t know how to work the remote. “Play! Play! “ I scream. Nothing changes. I go to church weekly now. I have a great job. I need something more. Am I being unreasonable? Is this too much to ask? Did I miss out on something that should have been great? When was that? How did I miss it?
I read three books last week. Three full novels. I have NOTHING to do with my time, so I read and read trying to fill up the empty space. It’s exhausting.
This letter wasn’t really to you, of course. I just really want you gone from my mind and replaced with someone else. Please?


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I know some countries


I got 65 the first time. I have problems typing them in correctly.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Short Note #2

It doesne't let you see the whole author's name. It is Anagrams by Someone Who Doesn't Let You Know Her Book is Filled with Short Stories.

Short Note

I'm thinking about doing book reviews on here. Note the author of the second to most recent book on my list to the left. Didn't like that book.

Not Much Ado About Anything


You are my only visitor here, so I thought I should write this as a letter. I may have a few American Idol fans on here soon, though. Left a comment un-anonymously. Anyhoo, thought I would explain my absence from the computer. One day, it iced. Cuz Mate stayed home. She worked from here, and had to plug directly into the DSL box since her work computer is not wireless. Since then, my wireless does not work. Ever. So, I have to come upstairs and hook in to the wall. I KNOW! I have been so spoiled by getting to compute wherever I like that I can no longer handle the pressure of a wall to computer connection. I drape the cords over Roxie, make my mattress really hot, and retype everything I write because it's hard to type on my bed. So, it's good that I am no longer a part of the Facebook/MySpace crowd. Or maybe if I were, I would be more motivated to fix the freaking wireless.

So, that's that. Until next time, pfargtl.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Take this test!

Your intellect puts you in a class above the rest, and it creates a sexual aura that's untouchable by people who possess nothing more than a pretty face. You have people and intellectual smarts and are able to juggle them accordingly. Your sense of the world at large and your world around you draws people to your mind, and what a beautiful mind it is.

Whether you look the part in horn-rimmed glasses and a finely pressed suit or dress simply in a T-shirt and jeans, your style really takes off when you flaunt your intellectual prowess. You're probably happier volunteering for a good cause, like tutoring kids, than spending all night partying with friends — well, at least some of the time. You've read the classics, or at least know what they are, and get the greatest rush when you can fully connect with people — both mind and body. While you may have the looks as well, it's your brains that turn up the heat wherever you go.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

I put on makeup today. I don't wear makeup very often, so that is why I am mentioning it on here. The reason I put on makeup is because I went to a new church today! After six months in my new town, I have finally made the leap. And, I liked it. It reminded me of the church I grew up in. I also have another one I want to try, but I think my plan is to go to the first one for several weeks in a row, and then try the other one for a few weeks.

In other news, I got some vomit on me the other day at work. Luckily, the kid didn't actually throw up on me, but I was the one who could handle cleaning it up and got my leg in it. I slept 19 hours Friday night through Saturday afternoon. That's really a long time, even for me. I'm pretty sure I caught something from the kids because on Friday two of my kids slept almost all day. They got up to go outside and eat, but anytime we were indoors, those two were laying wherever they landed. I'm feeling better, so hopefully they are too.

The Cuz Mate bought a black light to show where dog urine is in our house. It's gross. Her dog has peed all up and down the hall we keep them in while we are at work. I'm wondering when she's going to clean it. Hopefully, she will tonight. I've got Roxie's mess upstairs, but it's not even close to the disgusting-ness of that hallway.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Short Stories

I don't like short stories. I never have. Even before I understood what a short story is (was?), I didn't like them. Those stupid short stories we had to read in elementary school were awful. That's one reason I don't want to teach older kids. I don't want to force anyone to read short stories. SInce circa 1987, I have preferred "the novel." I realized the greatness of the novel from a gal named Carolyn Keene. I actually remembered her name! I looked it up to verify, but I even got the spelling right.

Back to the point, Carolyn Keene is the author of the original Nancy Drew series. I learned that I like chapters, and I really like chapters with titles so I can guess what is coming in the story. Ah, foreshadowing. Anyhoo, I am currently reading a collection of short stories (the title is in my sidebar with the rest of my recent readings) and I hate it. I like the author. I like the genre. I even like the characters, but I HATE the book.

Why do I detest short stories so much? Basically, I don't like being drawn in to a story, learn characters, and become interested in their lives just to be dumped a few pages later. I need more. I need MORE. I will finish this book, with a sneer on my face, because my other problem is that once I start a book, I will punish myself to finish it. Recent example, Lost by Gregory Maguire. Gosh, it was awful. But I finished it. Don't read it. Awful.

End rant.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How to Fill Up Space on Your Blog

My legs hurt real bad. I don't know why, but it might have something to do with all the ironing I did tonight. They started hurting right after that. And multiple stair climbs were involved. Oh, and kids crawl up on me all day. That's probably part of it. Anyhoo, I've spent most of the evening working on the spare bedroom. See, I moved in July, and around early October, I needed something warm to wear, but it was still bagged up from the move, and I was in a hurry, so I dumped the bag out and looked for what I needed. Then, I dumped another bag because it wasn't in the first bag. In November, my mom visited and demoralized me for not picking it up. I haven't really had a spot to put it until now, and it was the spare room so it wasn't that important to me. In December, my parents brought a shelf I had at the old house. Now, in January, I have folded all that stuff and put it on the shelf or hung it up.

If given enough time, I can accomplish small tasks. So shove it, Mama.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


I've been told twice, by both people who read this, that I'm a blog-abandoner. It's true. I haven't written anything in a month and a half. I'm not great at remembering to do it. Good news, though. I only have one job now and my internet is currently operational, so maybe, just maybe, it could be a while before I abandon again. I would write more, but I'm reading a great book called High Noon and I want to read more. I should go fold down all the sweaters that are scattered on the floor of Spare Room, but I'm not doing that either. Don't feel bad Dee and Ashley and possibly Katie. You know I give up all things for reading. I'll be back. Probably soon.